
This is a demo for current VisionForge features. This text is written in MarkDown

3D visualization with Three-js

Interactive plots with Plotly

Interactive tables with Tabulator

The code for everything above

markdown {
        # VisionForge
        This is a demo for current VisionForge features. This text is written in [MarkDown](

h2 { +"3D visualization with Three-js" }
vision("3D") {
    solid {
        box(100, 100, 100, name = "aBox")

h2 { +"Interactive plots with Plotly" }
vision("plot") {
    plotly {
        scatter {
            x(1, 2, 3, 4)
            y(10, 15, 13, 17)
            mode = ScatterMode.markers
            name = "Team A"
            text("A-1", "A-2", "A-3", "A-4", "A-5")
            textposition = TextPosition.`top center`
            textfont {
                family = "Raleway, sans-serif"
            marker { size = 12 }

        scatter {
            x(2, 3, 4, 5)
            y(10, 15, 13, 17)
            mode = ScatterMode.lines
            name = "Team B"
            text("B-a", "B-b", "B-c", "B-d", "B-e")
            textposition = TextPosition.`bottom center`
            textfont {
                family = "Times New Roman"
            marker { size = 12 }

        layout {
            title = "Data Labels Hover"
            xaxis {
            legend {
                y = 0.5
                font {
                    family = "Arial, sans-serif"
                    size = 20
h2 { +"Interactive tables with Tabulator" }
vision("table") {
    val x by ColumnHeader.value(ValueType.NUMBER)
    val y by ColumnHeader.value(ValueType.NUMBER)
        x to listOf(2, 3, 4, 5),
        y to listOf(10, 15, 13, 17)